Showing posts with label ASP.NET. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ASP.NET. Show all posts


ASP.NET Core Middleware to Update Response Body

I needed a quick way to update a mix of static HTML files and Razor views to change a message common to a lot of pages. In the example here I will update the Copyright message in HTML pages.

As usual I searched the web and found many examples, none that worked the way I needed (or worked at all!), but I did find an assortment of "bits" scattered throughout StackOverflow that helped me build a working solution.

At first glance this should have been a textbook example of ASP.NET Core middleware. Intercept the outgoing response, update the body HTML and forward on through the middleware pipeline. The first issue was the Stream object used by Response.Body object, its an Microsoft.WebTools.BrowserLink.Net.ScriptInjectionFilterStream object that does not support Seek. The first "bit" that I found in StackOverflow was to replace the Response.Body steam with my own stream, in particular a MemoryStream. Then we can send the Response object on down the middleware pipeline using next.Invoke. When the Response comes back to us though the pipeline we need to extract the HTML text from our custom stream object, do our updates to the HTML and finally get the original kind of stream back into the Response.Body with our changes.

The next problem was that I could not find a way to clear or reset the stream that represented the returned Body content. I was getting both the original page plus the updated page, i.e. my data was getting appended. .SetLength(0) and .Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) did not work. ("Specified method is not supported"). StackOverflow to the rescue again. A quick solution was to recreate an empty stream object. ( context.Response.Body = new MemoryStream(); )

Remember! The order of middleware is important. If you want this to process your JavaScript, CSS and static HTML files, then add this before app.UseStaticFiles(). Most likely order:

            app.Use(  the code below  );


So here's the solution as an inline "app.Use()" block added to Startup.cs or Program.cs (.NET 6). It replaces the Copyright date from "2021" to the current year.


Note: Code tested in .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 6.0 using Visual Studio 2022.

app.Use(async (context, next) =>
    using (var replacementStream = new MemoryStream())
        // preprocessing the Body
        // replace {Microsoft.WebTools.BrowserLink.Net.ScriptInjectionFilterStream}
        // with a MemoryStream (seekable!)
        System.IO.Stream originalStream = context.Response.Body;
        context.Response.Body = replacementStream;

        // do any preprocessing of the Request or Response object here
        // none needed for this example

        // move on down the pipeline, but with our custom stream
        await next.Invoke();

        // we are now back from the rest of the pipeline and on the way out (TTN)

        // postprocessing the Body

        // read the returned Body
        replacementStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        using (var bufferReader = new StreamReader(replacementStream))
            string body = await bufferReader.ReadToEndAsync();

            // Is this a web page?
            if (context.Response.ContentType.Contains("text/html"))
                // make changes to the returned HTML
                // set the copyright to the current year
                body = body.Replace("© 2021", "© " + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());

            // discard anything in the existing body.                        
            context.Response.Body = new MemoryStream();

            // write the updated Body into the Response using our custom stream
            context.Response.Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            await context.Response.WriteAsync(body);

            // extract the Body stream into the original steam object
            //   in effect, covert from MemoryStream to 
            //   {Microsoft.WebTools.BrowserLink.Net.ScriptInjectionFilterStream}
            context.Response.Body.Position = 0;
            await context.Response.Body.CopyToAsync(originalStream);

            // now send put the original stream back into the Response
            // and exit to the rest of the middleware pipeline
            context.Response.Body = originalStream;


Here's the same solution as a Middleware class.

  1. Add the class below.
  2. Update Startup.cs or Program.cs (.NET 6) to add an app.UseReplaceText line.

 Startup.cs or Program.cs:

app.UseReplaceText();  // custom middleware
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints => ....

The class:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace WebAppToDemoMiddleware
    public class ReplaceTextMiddleware
        private readonly RequestDelegate _next;

        public ReplaceTextMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
            _next = next;
        public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
            using (var replacementStream = new MemoryStream())
                // preprocessing the Body
                // replace {Microsoft.WebTools.BrowserLink.Net.ScriptInjectionFilterStream}
                // with a MemoryStream (seekable!)
                System.IO.Stream originalStream = context.Response.Body;
                context.Response.Body = replacementStream;

                // do any preprocessing of the Request or Response object here
                // none needed for this example

                // move on down the pipeline, but with our custom stream
                await _next(context);

                // we are now back from the rest of the pipeline and on the way out

                // postprocessing the Body

                // read the returned Body
                replacementStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                using (var replacementStreamReader = new StreamReader(replacementStream))
                    string body = await replacementStreamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

                    //if (body.Contains("Welcome"))
                    // Is this a web page?
                    if (context.Response.ContentType.Contains("text/html"))
                        // make changes to the returned HTML
                        // set the copyright to the current year
                        body = body.Replace("© 2021", "© " + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());

                    // discard anything in the existing body.                        
                    context.Response.Body = new MemoryStream();

                    // write the updated Body into the Response using our custom stream
                    context.Response.Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    await context.Response.WriteAsync(body);

                    // extract the Body stream into the original steam object
                    //   in effect, covert from MemoryStream to 
                    //   {Microsoft.WebTools.BrowserLink.Net.ScriptInjectionFilterStream}
                    context.Response.Body.Position = 0;
                    await context.Response.Body.CopyToAsync(originalStream);

                    // now send put the original stream back into the Response
                    // and exit to the rest of the middleware pipeline
                    context.Response.Body = originalStream;


    // Add an extension class so we can use this as app.UseReplaceText()
    public static class RequestCultureMiddlewareExtensions
        public static IApplicationBuilder UseReplaceText(
            this IApplicationBuilder builder)
            return builder.UseMiddleware<ReplaceTextMiddleware>();


How to count lines of code using PowerShell

I've got a project... scattered through a number of folders are a bunch of C# files. How many lines of code do I have? (Bragging rights you know...)

You could open the project in Visual Studio and use the Analyze, Calculate Code Metrics. But that requires Visual Studio, and does not give me all the options I want. (But in many ways is better! Lines by file and by method are available there.)

I wanted to do this on raw files using PowerShell, so assuming your project is in C:\myProject and you only wanted to count ".cs" files...

  dir C:\myProject -Recurse *.cs | Get-Content | measure

Get-Content returns the lines from the file as an array, and Measure-Object counts things.

Want to count characters too?

  dir C:\myProject -Recurse *.cs |
    Get-Content |
-Line -Character

Your boss won't let you take credit for blank lines?

  dir C:\myProject -Recurse *.cs |
    Get-Content |
      where { $_.trim() -ne "" } |
-Line -Character

Your boss won't let you take credit for blank lines or comments? (I would pay extra for good comments!)

  dir C:\myProject -Recurse *.cs |
    Get-Content |
      where { $_.trim() -ne "" -and $_.trim() -notlike "//*" } |
-Line -Character

    (Sorry, but in this quick little exercise I did not deal with /* and */ block comments, only // comments.)

Want to include multiple file types?

  dir C:\myProject -Recurse -Include *.cs, *.cshtml |
    Get-Content |
      where { $_.trim() -ne "" -and $_.trim() -notlike "//*" } |
-Line -Character

Boy I've been working hard... and using wizards to write code... 😉

   Lines Words Characters Property
   ----- ----- ---------- --------
    2563           117084


The controller for path '/' was not found or does not implement IController #VisualStudio #MVC

The controller for path '/' was not found or does not implement IController

Some error messages are no help at all!

When running in Debug mode Visual Studio reports:

An exception of type 'System.Web.HttpException' occurred in System.Web.dll but was not handled in user code.
Additional information: Execution of the child request failed. Please examine the InnerException for more information.

The inner exception:

{System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): The controller for path '/' was not found or does not implement IController.
   at System.Web.Mvc.DefaultControllerFactory.GetControllerInstance

A "forest and trees" problem...

A web search returns many possibilities for the error, but none that applied to my project. It turns out I had one of those "forest and trees" problems! I had typed Html.Action instead of Html.ActionLink in a Layouts page. In effect I was asking the layouts view to load a view that used the layouts view that then loaded the layouts view that loaded the view that used the layouts view… Yup, an endless loop.

The error message was not of much help and sent me on a wild goose chase. Once I realized what was going on I made one small edit and was back in business.


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