Showing posts with label CSS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CSS. Show all posts


Hiding the Evil SharePoint 2013 Share Buttons!


SharePoint introduced Share buttons to make it easy for users to quickly share a site, folder or document. This introduced several administration, security and governance problems for administrators. Mostly because the act of sharing a document breaks inheritance on the file. Whether this is "evil" or not depends on the way you need to use SharePoint. 

Here's a sample flow:

  • We have a library for 100 sales documents. Currently the Sales Managers group and five other users have access to the library and its contents.
  • Someone clicks the Share button on a document.
    • If the user is not an owner and does not have the Manage Lists permission, then a request is added to the Site Owners. Site Owners, if they ever discover the request, can approve or reject it.
  • Inheritance is broken on the document. Existing permissions are copied to the file. The user is added to the document's permissions list.
  • Now the fun begins…
    • A new user or group is given permissions to the library.
    • They only see 99 documents! (The missing document has unique permissions and no longer inherits permissions from the library.)

After inheritance is broken you have to remember to manage the permissions of each individual broken inheritance document. Now think about 50 libraries, each with where the Share button has been clicked on a 1000 documents. Job security at the minimum!


Just how many Share buttons are there?  
(Let me count the ways…)

The Share the site button:


The Share a document button in the "QCB" (Quick Control Block?) bar:


The Share a document button in the FILES ribbon :


The Share a document button in the "…" pop out:


The Share a document link in the "… …" menu:


The INVITE PEOPLE button in create a new folder:


The Invite People button in the Shared With dialog box:


Did I miss any?

(I started on this article a few times, but each time I found yet another Share button!)


Disabling using Views

You can hide the Share button that's just above the library by switching to any other view style than"Default". This also hides all of the other links in the "QCB" (Quick Control Block?) bar.


The Share button will be grayed out in the FILE ribbon if you select a Style other than Default and Shaded, or disable "Tabular View - Allow individual item checkboxes".

Disadvantages? These styles do not display a checkbox, even if "Tabular View - Allow individual item checkboxes" is checked. Without the checkbox most of the options in the FILE ribbon are disabled.And… this approach only hides one of the Share buttons.


Disabling the Share buttons using CSS

The easiest way, at least until Microsoft gives us an option to turn them off, is to add CSS to the Master Page. Some of the buttons has convenient IDs while some can be found using a class. While you could merge all of the selectors into one line, I broke them out so you could choose which Share features you would like to hide or keep.

In my project I uploaded the CSS file to the Site Assets library. You could place the CSS file in any library where your users have at least read access, or in the layouts folder on the server. You would then link to the file something like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 

Or maybe:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/_layouts/nosharebuttons.css"></link>


The CSS:

/* CSS to hide the various Share buttons and links */
/* from             */
/* Use at your own risk. Batteries not included.   */

/* Hide Site Share button (page top right) */
#ctl00_site_share_button  {
 display:none !important;

/* Hide library toolbar (QCB) Share button */
.js-listview-qcbShareButton {
 display:none !important;

/* Hide the Share in the ... popout */
.js-callout-actionsMain span:nth-child(2) {
    display:none !important;

/* Hide the Share in the ... ... menu */
a[title="Share"] {
 display:none !important;

/* Hide the INVITE PEOPLE button in Create Folder */
#csfd_invitePeopleBtn {
 display:none !important;

/* Hide the Share button in the FILES ribbon */
#Ribbon\.Documents\.Share\.ShareItem-Large {
 display:none !important;

/* Hide the Invite People button in the Shared With dialog */
#lnkShrItem {
 display:none !important;


Here's the "one line" version:

/* CSS to hide the various Share buttons and links */
/* from             */
/* Use at your own risk. Batteries not included.   */

  .js-callout-actionsMain span:nth-child(2), 
 display:none !important;




SharePoint: How to add JavaScript to a Content Editor Web Part


The following may be a bit redundant as it has been part of many of my “JavaScript hacks” posts, but I’m asked so often I thought I would put it in a article by itself.


The Content Editor Web Part (CEWP)

SharePoint 2007 gave us a nice little web part to insert HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and even just some text, in any web part page. SharePoint 2010 “broke” this web part a bit by trying to “fix up” our code. Add a little JavaScript to a CEWP and you will get this message:


The message may mean that it did nothing to your code, reformatted your code (in strange ways), or completely removed your code!

Here’s a before and after of a “reformat”: 

clip_image002  clip_image002[4]


Link to your custom code, don’t add it directly to the CEWP

For both 2007 and 2010 the best practice is to link from the CEWP to a text file with your content. To avoid the problem with the random edits made by 2010 just upload a text file containing the code to a library. Then in the CEWP just click the Edit Web Part option in the dropdown and add the link to the code file. This has added benefit of using any HTML, CSS and JavaScript editor such as Visual Studio or SharePoint Designer to edit your code.



  1. Create your HTML, CSS and/or JavaScript in a text file, Notepad will do, and save it with any file extension.
    Tip: Name your file with a .HTM extension and then the SharePoint libraries will add a “Edit in SharePoint Designer” link in the file’s dropdown menu!

    Notes: Your JavaScript should be enclosed in <script> tags and your CSS should be enclosed in <style> tags.

  2. After uploading to a library, right-click the file’s name and copy the shortcut
  3. Go go your SharePoint and insert a Content Editor Web Part
    (2010 on the left, 2007 on the right)
        image clip_image002[9]
  4. Click the web part’s dropdown menu and click Edit
  5. Paste the URL to the Notepad file in the Content Link box
  6. Save your changes and test

    And if you have any errors, just open the HTM file in SharePoint Designer, make your changes and save, and then go back to the browser and click refresh!  Much faster than constantly editing and save the web part.


Hide the title area

If the CEWP only contains HTML, CSS and/or JavaScript then you may want to hide the web part’s title bar. In the properties editor, expand Appearance, click the Chrome Type dropdown and select None.


Tip: Don’t “hide” the web part. Just turn off its title bar.




SharePoint: Change the color of a web part column


Over in my article on color coding lists I got this question:

“Can you post a snippet of code that shows how to apply color to a particular column - the entire column (i.e., column 7)”

Well, here’s two possible solutions. And you can change anything about the column by changing the CSS. Set the text to bold, change the font family or font size, or add borders.


Change the color of a web part column using CSS

This is the more elegant solution, but it will not work with Internet Explorer 6, so it will not work for SharePoint 2007, or where you still have IE 6 users.

Note: the line starting with “table[“ and ending with “td + td + td” is all one line.


table[summary="Shared Documents Share a document with the team by adding it to this
document library."].ms-listviewtable tr + tr td:first-child + td + td + td { background:orange; } </style>


  1. Add this style to a Content Editor Web Part
    or edit the page in SharePoint Designer and add it just before the end of the PlaceHoldMain area.
  2. Edit the text in “summary=” section to add the name of your list web part. To find the name, display the page with the web part in a browser and search for “summary=” and copy the text between the quotes.
  3. Edit the “td + td + td” to select your column (one td per column)
    If you want to color more than one column, copy the entire selector and adjust the number of td’s. Something like this:  (note the comma)

    table[summary="Shared Documents Share a document with the team by adding it to this document library."].ms-listviewtable tr + tr td:first-child + td + td + td ,
    table[summary="Shared Documents Share a document with the team by adding it to this document library."].ms-listviewtable tr + tr td:first-child + td + td + td + td + td  

Change the color of a web part column using JavaScript

This solution should work for all browser versions (crossing fingers…), but you will need to test it in the browsers used by your visitors. This probably could be reduced to one line using jQuery.

Note: the line starting with “var webpartName”“ and ending with “library.” is all one line.


// from

// The web part name can be found by viewing the source of the page and
// searching for "summary="
var webpartName = "Shared Documents Share a document with the team by adding it 
to this document library."
; // first column is 0 // in SP 2010 the first column may be check boxes var columnToChange = 5; // find the web part's table var allTables = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE"); for (var i=1;i<allTables.length;i++) { if (allTables[i].summary == webpartName) { // loop through the rows to change the column // set j=0 to include the column heading or j=1 to skip the heading var theTable = allTables[i]; for (var j=0; j<theTable.rows.length; j++) { // any style attribute of the cell can now be changed theTable.rows[j].cells[columnToChange].style.background="yellow"; } } } </script>


  1. Add this JavaScript to a Content Editor Web Part and move the web part below the web part to add the color to
    edit the page in SharePoint Designer and add the JavaScript just before the end of the PlaceHolderMain area.
  2. Edit the text in “webpartName =” section to add the name of your list web part. Display the page with the web part in a browser and search for “summary=” and copy the text between the quotes.
  3. Edit the column number to change (var columnToChange = 5; ). The first column is column 0.

    If you want to change multiple columns it might be easier to hard code the column numbers. For example, to change columns 2, 5 and 8: (remember to count from zero)

  4. To change the color of the column heading, change the FOR counter to zero:
         for (var i=0;i<allTables.length;i++)





SharePoint: Changing the “Add New” Icon


I just got an interesting question on the “Change the “Add New” message for a web part” article about replacing the icon in the Add New Item area of a web part. As CSS does not let you change the attributes of an element (i.e. “src=”), the solution is a bit of a trick.

The before and the after for SharePoint 2007:

image  image

And in 2010:

image    image

The CSS below first hides the existing icon, and then adds a background image to the anchor (“A”) tag. As this results in the text being displayed over the icon, the CSS also needs to add a little padding to move the text over a bit.

The CSS for both 2007 and 2010

Add just before the </head> tag in the master page or in a content editor web part on a single page.


/*  hide the existing image  */
.ms-addnew img

/*  add a background image  */
.ms-addnew a
  background:url(_layouts/images/titlegraphic.gif) no-repeat;
  padding-left: 25pt;






SharePoint 2007: Use CSS to Add Colors, Borders and Fonts to Web Parts


In October of last year I wrote an article on changing the color, borders and fonts for SharePoint 2007 web parts. That article used JavaScript to make these changes while this one will use CSS. The CSS in this article is similar to the CSS needed for 2010 (see here), with one annoying difference… SharePoint 2010 has a CSS class defined for all web parts, s4-wpcell, that represents the main web part area. SharePoint 2007 does not have a class defined for the entire web part table. Instead it has a unique ID for each web part. That is why in the sample CSS below you will see  #MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ1 to #MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQsomenumber . In theory you could have up to fifty web parts on a page, so I guess this could go as high as fifty.

Do you want to change all web parts in all pages, all web parts in a single page or just one web part? Each of these will require a slightly different approach.

  • All web parts in all pages?
      Add the CSS to the master page, either inline or linked to a file
  • All web parts in a single page?
      Add the CSS to the page using SharePoint Designer or a Content Editor Web Part
      (If using a CEWP, add the web part below the web parts to change, i.e. last zone, last web part)
  • Just one web part?
      Add the CSS as for a single page, but prefix all of the CSS entries with the ID of the web part to change


The CSS for web parts is quite complicated and may areas that can be changed.


A Web Part

Here is a terribly abused web part :-) that has an exaggerated set of colors and fonts to make each area stand out. The CSS for web parts is quite complicated and there are may areas that can be changed. The CSS below will create the example shown here. In your work you would add CSS for only the parts you want to change.





As you play with the web part CSS, try one edit at a time. The order you define the CSS can impact the final result. The use of “!important” after the CSS can override existing inline styles.


  • You don’t need to use all of the CSS. Pick and choose as needed.
  • Any area can be hidden by using:   display:none
  • This is not a complete list of what you can change in a web part. Search the HTML source of your web part page for ideas, or do a web search to see what others are doing.
  • “#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ5” is the ID of a single web part to change. This is only needed when changing a single web part on a single page. Your web part will have a similar ID, but with a different number.
  • The number in the web part ID may change if the web part is moved on the page.
  • Anywhere there is a background property you can usually set a background image by using:
       background-image:url(' someimagepath ');
  • Colors can be set using color names (“green”) and color numbers (“#00FF00”)


CSS to change all of the web parts on a page

To change all pages, add this CSS to your master page. To change a single page, add this CSS to a Content Editor Web Part or edit the page with SharePoint Designer and add the CSS just before the end tag for the PlaceHolderMain <asp:Content> tag. If using a Content Editor Web Part, it should be placed as the last web part on the page. This would usually be the last web part in the last column of the bottom most web part zone.

<style type="text/css">

/* CSS for web parts */

/* === Title bar CSS === */

/* TR - title bar for web part */

/*  H3 - Text in title bar of web part */
.ms-WPTitle, .ms-WPTitle a    
  color:white !important;
  font-family:"Comic Sans MS";

/* === Web part background CSS === */

/* TD - paging area (i.e. 1 - 5) */
.ms-bottompaging td
  background-color:yellow !important;

/* hide or change the gray line above "add new" link */    
  /* display:none; */

/* "add new" area */
  background-color:gray !important;

/* There could be up to 50 web parts on a page */
/* Use your browser's View Source feature to check your zone names */

/* === Column headings === */

/* color for sortable column headings */
/* there are many "diid" IDs, and this list is not complete */
.ms-vh2 .ms-vb, .ms-vh2 .ms-vb a,
#diidSortEditor, #diidSortAuthor, 
#diidSortCheckoutUser, #diidSortAssignedTo,
#diidSortTaskGroup, #diidSortLinkFilenameNoMenu, #diidSortCustomUrl,
  color:red !important;

/* === List text CSS === */

/* TD - item description text (for odd numbered rows) */
.ms-vb a, 
.ms-vb2 a
  color:white !important;

/*  TR - background alternating (for even numbered rows) */

/*  TD - text for alternating (for even numbered rows) */
.ms-alternating .ms-vb, 
.ms-alternating .ms-vb2, 
.ms-alternating .ms-vb a, 
.ms-alternating .ms-vb2 a
  color:red !important;

/* border (if enabled in the web part's properties */

/* background and text for list web parts without column headings */
/* links list, calendar list... */
/* web parts with no items "There are currently no..." */
.ms-summarycustombody td,
.ms-summarycustombody td a
  background-color:yellow !important;
  color:red !important;




CSS to change a single web part

To select a single web part we will use the same CSS as above, but prefix each item with the ID of the web part. To find this ID, use your browser’s View Source feature and search for the name of your web part. Somewhere above this you will find a #MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQsomenumber that represents your web part.

Here’s what you might find if looking for the “Airshow Pictures” web part:


CSS for web part #MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17:

<style type="text/css">

/* CSS for web parts */

/* === Title bar CSS === */

/* TR - title bar for web part */
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-WPHeader 

/*  H3 - Text in title bar of web part */
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-WPTitle, #MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-WPTitle a    
  color:white !important;
  font-family:"Comic Sans MS";

/* === Web part background CSS === */

/* TD - paging area (i.e. 1 - 5) */
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-bottompaging td
  background-color:yellow !important;

/* hide or change the gray line above "add new" link */    
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-partline
  /* display:none; */

/* "add new" area */
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-addnew
  background-color:gray !important;

/* There could be up to 50 web parts on a page */
/* Use your browser's View Source feature to check your zone names */

/* === Column headings === */

/* color for sortable column headings */
/* there are many "diid" IDs, and this list is not complete */
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-vh2 .ms-vb, #MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-vh2 .ms-vb a,
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 #diidSortEditor, #MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 #diidSortAuthor, 
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 #diidSortCheckoutUser, #MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 #diidSortAssignedTo,
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 #diidSortTaskGroup, #MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 #diidSortLinkFilenameNoMenu, 
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 #diidSortCustomUrl,
  color:red !important;

/* === List text CSS === */

/* TD - item description text (for odd numbered rows) */
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-vb, 
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-vb2, 
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-vb a, 
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-vb2 a
  color:white !important;

/*  TR - background alternating (for even numbered rows) */
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-alternating  

/*  TD - text for alternating (for even numbered rows) */
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-alternating .ms-vb, 
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-alternating .ms-vb2, 
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-alternating .ms-vb a, 
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-alternating .ms-vb2 a
  color:red !important;

/* border (if enabled in the web part's properties */
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-WPBorder

/* background and text for list web parts without column headings */
/* links list, calendar list... */
/* web parts with no items "There are currently no..." */
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-summarycustombody td,
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ17 .ms-summarycustombody td a
  background-color:yellow !important;
  color:red !important;



In closing…

There’s always more you can change! Use your browser’s “View Source” feature to explorer the HTML and CSS delivered by SharePoint to see what else you can do. You can also use the add in developer tool bars for Internet Explorer and FireFox to explore the CSS. Some of the cool CSS things you may want to do will probably not work in all browsers, especially Internet Explorer 6, so test, test test.

Also take a look at the CSS reference and branding blogs on the web like these:




SharePoint 2010: Site Title and Icon - Change the Font Size, Face or Hide It


Customizing the site title is a bit harder in 2010 than in 2007 as the site title is part of a larger navigation area that includes the title, a "crumb trail" and the View menu. In this article we will look at using CSS to change the font, color or size of the text. Also see here to change how the whole navigation and crumb trail area works.


Here's the home page of a site. "Demo Site" is the name of the site.



The following shows the title, crumb trail and view menu for a library. "Demo Site" is the title, "Shared Documents" is a library and "All Documents" is both the current view and the view dropdown menu button.



Here's a similar site with the view menu clicked:



So as you can see, there a lot of pieces to change to customize the title area in 2010. Now lets take a look at what is required to make the changes for a sample like this one by just using CSS:



You would most likely want to make this kind of change for an entire site rather than a single page by using a master page edit. If you want to make these changes for a single page just add a text file with the CSS to a library, add a Content Editor Web Part and then link to the text file.  You could also just edit this page in SharePoint Designer and add the CSS to the page.


To make your changes available for all pages in your site, add them to the site's master page.



  1. Open your site in SharePoint Designer 2010 (see Chapter 6)
  2. In the "Navigation - Site Objects" pane click Master Pages
  3. Right-click your site's master page (typically v4.master) and select "Edit in Advanced Mode"
  4. Search for "</head>" and insert your style block before the </head> tag



Here are some of the CSS tags to experiment with:

Changing fonts and colors using CSS

Each part of the page can be hidden or changed by using a CSS style. Here are the styles and the parts:




The entire title row including "I Like It" and "Tags & Notes"


.s4-titletext h1 a

The site title text



Title of any wiki-style page (home page of a Team Site or a page added with "Site Actions, New page"


.s4-titletext h2 a

List/Library name


.s4-titletext h2

Folder name


Current view and view selector



The triangles between the items "clip_image014"

Note: "." indicates a class while "#" indicates an ID


To hide everything after the title:


.s4-titletext h2 <!-- everything after the site title -->

#onetidPageTitleSeparator <!-- The triangles between the items -->



Here's a set of sample styles to change the Site Title, the List Name and the View Selector:


.s4-titletext h1 a <!-- The site title text -->

.s4-titletext h2 a <!-- list / library name -->

#zz17_ListTitleViewSelectorMenu_t <!-- current view and menu -->


And here's the page using the above styles:





CSS Resources


Just a few CSS resources for my classes:

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