
New Book and New Class!

New book: SharePoint® 2010 Security for the Site Owner

SharePoint2010SecruityCoverBI was always looking for a SharePoint security resource to point people to. I found content for server administrators and for developers, but nothing for site owners. Finally I decided I could quickly put together a little book on the topic. Little did I know just how much I would end up writing, testing and rewriting to get this thing done!

It only took 2½ years to complete! Work on this book started with the creation of my blog site in 2007. Or maybe it started in 2006 with the students in my SharePoint classes when they asked questions about the obvious and not so obvious SharePoint security features. The actual writing started 2½ years ago.

Why a 2010 book in 2014? It took that long to write it. (I'm both slow and busy!) But… give me a few weeks and then you can get the 2013 version of the book.

You can order it now from Amazon.


New Class: MS-55095 SharePoint 2010 and 2013 Auditing and Site Content Administration using PowerShell

Starting with the PowerShell chapter from the security book, and adding another 100 or so scripts, I now have a class for on premises SharePoint 2010 and 2013 administrators, auditors and governance teams who need to query just about anything in SharePoint. The class handout is effectively a cheat sheet with over 175 PowerShell scripts plus the general patterns to create your own scripts.

For all of the details of the class see here: http://techtrainingnotes.blogspot.com/2014/06/new-sharepoint-powershell-course.html

For class schedules see here: http://www.maxtrain.com/Classes/ClassInfo.aspx?Id=119394 or call MAX Technical Training at 513-322-8888. This class is available both in Cincinnati, and remotely from anywhere. This class will soon be available to all Microsoft training centers as course 55095AC.

You will need core PowerShell skills for this class, so I'd recommend having attended either of these two classes: MS-10961 Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell or MS-50414 Powershell v2 for Administrators, or equivalent.

Bonus! When you register for the class, tell them that you heard about it from Mike, and we will get you a free copy of the security book!



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