
SharePoint Office Web Apps


I'm astounded each time I mention Office Web Apps in my classes and presentations and find that many of the SharePoint users still have not used, or even heard of, these FREE SharePoint add ins.


What are the Office Web Apps?

Simply stated, Office Web Apps are Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote running in a web browser. Or a better way to say this is these are Office applications that have been recreated as browser only applications. The user of the these applications do not need to have Office installed.

Office Web Apps are part of Windows Live and can be downloaded and added to any SharePoint 2010 installation. If you have not looked at Office Web Apps for a while, there have been a number of changes with Service Pack 1 including: support for IE 9, OpenDocument format (ODF), printing from Word and PowerPoint, insert charts into Excel, and more. See the links below for more info.


Browser Support:

Not just IE!

  • Windows: Internet Explorer 7 or later versions, Firefox 3.5 or later versions, Chrome
  • Mac: Safari 4 or later versions, Firefox 3.5 or later versions
  • Linux: Firefox 3.5 or later versions, Chrome

Mobile Browser Support:

  • Internet Explorer: Windows Mobile 6 through Windows Mobile 6.5 and Windows Phone
  • Safari 4 & 5: iPhone 3G or 3GS, iPhone 4
  • Other browsers: BlackBerry 5.x and later versions, Nokia S60 3.x and 5.0, and Andriod 1.6, 2.1, and 2.2

Is Silverlight required?

Short answer, no. Having Silverlight will improve the smoothness of PowerPoint presentations, the display of fonts and loading time of pages. Silverlight adds no benefits to Excel and OneNote.


Interesting features:

For a complete list of features download this PDF: Microsoft Office Web Apps Product Guide


  • The Office Web Apps version of Excel is multi-user. As an example use, you could set up a conference call to discuss the budget, ask all of the users to click a URL to the Excel file stored in a SharePoint library and then as a group update the budget. Literally as you change a cell, all of the users see the change.


  • Not only can you view and edit PowerPoint decks, you can switch to full screen mode and deliver your presentation from your laptop. Forget your laptop? You can deliver your presentation from any compatible browser from any PC that can connect to your SharePoint site.
  • Office Web Apps also supports the PowerPoint Broadcast Service to make it easy to deliver PowerPoint presentations around the company or around the internet.



Let's say… "no extra charge". Your users do need to be licensed for Microsoft Office. Here's a quote from a TechNet article: "Business customers licensed for Microsoft Office 2010 through a Volume Licensing program can run Office Web Apps on a server that runs Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 or Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010." Windows Live and Office 365 / SharePoint Online licensing also covers Office Web Apps.


How to experience Office Web Apps in 15 minutes or less!

If you don't already have Office Web Apps installed, the quickest way to learn about them is to create a Microsoft Live SkyDrive account or a Office 365 / SharePoint online account. As you are most likely a SharePoint user if you are reading this blog, then I'd recommend setting up an Office 365 30 day trial. I takes less than five minutes and does not require a credit card or payment commitment.


I'd recommend that you select the E3 trial so you can play with all of the features.



Microsoft Office Web Apps Product Guide

Office (Web Apps) help and how-to

Microsoft Office Web Apps Deployment

Description of Office Web Apps SP1

Planning Broadcast Slide Show (Office Web Apps)

Understanding Broadcast Slide Show (Office Web Apps)

A comparison of Office Web Apps in Windows Live SkyDrive, SharePoint 2010 On Premises and SharePoint Online

Office Web Apps overview (Installed on SharePoint 2010 Products)




SharePoint: Force the New button to show Content Type choices


Note: The following only applies to SharePoint 2007, but I'm looking into a similar fix for 2010.


Content Types add a lot of value to SharePoint, if you can get your users to use them. When you upload a document to a library where you have Content Types enabled the user is always asked to pick a content type.


But when a user is working with a list, such as Tasks, and clicks the New button they always get the default Content Type. If they knew about the option, and they remembered the option, they could click the little dropdown arrow next to new and pick a Content Type.



But what if they don’t know about the dropdown options? When they mouse over the “New” button they see a tip that implies clicking New will open a menu. But, it does not. It just creates the default Content Type.


Want to fix the new button?

To fix the New button you will need to edit every page that has a New button (that you want changed) or edit the site’s master page. (To see how to add this JavaScript to a single page or to the master page see http://techtrainingnotes.blogspot.com/2012/05/adding-javascript-and-css-to-sharepoint.html)


Here’s the script:

<script type="text/javascript">
var ttnNewMenu;

//get all tables
var ttnNewMenuTables = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE");
//find the NewMenu table
for (var i=0;i<ttnNewMenuTables.length;i++)
  if (ttnNewMenuTables[i].id.indexOf("_NewMenu_t")>0)
    ttnNewMenu = ttnNewMenuTables[i];

//if we found it, copy the dropdown JS into the New onclick attribute
if (ttnNewMenu != null)
  var ttnDropDownJS=ttnNewMenu.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[1].onclick;
  ttnNewMenu.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].onclick = ttnDropDownJS;



SharePoint: Preventing Content Type Changes


There are many good reasons to use Content Types… if you can get people to use them, and then leave them alone.   :-)

When creating a new list item based on a Content Type the user needs to select the Content Type from the New dropdown. Once selected, the Content Type should generally not be changed. Changing it is too easy as the user is offered the choice every time they edit the item.


Preventing this is pretty easy as all we need to do is hide the first row of the edit form's HTML table. The following JavaScript will do this for us and will work in both SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint Online / Office 365:

var ttnTables = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")
for (var i=0;i<ttnTables.length;i++)
  if (ttnTables[i].className=="ms-formtable")


Now the Content Type is hidden on the edit form.


But can the site owner change it?

The only problem with this solution is that it also prevents the site owner from changing the Content Types. We need to only run the above code for non site owners. To do this we will use the SPSecurityTrimmedControl and set the PermissionString to a suitable value, such as ManageWeb.

<!-- default value -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  var canChangeContentType = false;

<Sharepoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl runat="server" PermissionsString="ManageWeb">
  <!--text for users who have the ManageWeb permission -->
  <script type="text/javascript">
    canChangeContentType = true;

<script type="text/javascript">
if (canChangeContentType == false)
  var ttnTables = document.getElementsByTagName("TABLE")
  for (var i=0;i<ttnTables.length;i++)
    if (ttnTables[i].className=="ms-formtable")

There is a workaround!

A user with permissions to create private views can create a DataSheet view with the Content Type column displayed and then edit the Content Type.


Where to add this code

SharePoint 2007

  1. Open SharePoint Designer and open the site with the list that uses Content Types
  2. In the Folder List pane expand Lists and your list
  3. Double-click EditForm.aspx
  4. If the HTML is not displayed, click the Code button at the bottom of the page
  5. Search for "PlaceHolderMain"
  6. Select the entire line, right-click the line and select Find Matching Tag (this should find </asp:Content>)
  7. Add the JavaScript from above just before the </asp:Content> line
  8. Save and test (remember, as a Site Owner you will always be able to see the Content Type)

SharePoint 2010

  1. Open SharePoint Designer and open the site with the list that uses Content Types
  2. In the Navigation Pane click Lists and Libraries
  3. Click the name of the list that uses Content Types
  4. In the Forms area click EditForm.aspx
  5. If the window is split into Design and Code views, click the Split button at the bottom of the window
  6. Click in the area just below the existing web part
  7. You should see something similar to the following in the Code view:
  8. Paste the JavaScript from above between the DIV tags
  9. Save and test (remember, as a Site Owner you will always be able to see the Content Type)




Adding JavaScript and CSS to SharePoint


Many of my Site Owner customization tips require adding CSS and JavaScript to individual pages, the Content Editor Web Part or to the master page. Instead of repeating those steps over and over I'll link to this page in the future. (This is an expansion of an earlier article found here.)

Where to put your JavaScript or CSS

Where to put your JavaScript or CSS

Where you put the JavaScript or CSS largely depends on what it does and if it needs to interact with a single list, a single page or an entire site. Here are some possibilities:

  • Content Editor Web Part - Use a CEWP when you want to add code to a single web page that is also a web part page. (See the Web Part chapter of my book for ways to see if a page is a web part page)
    • Easy to use (Source Editor in 2007 and HTML editor in 2010)
    • Easy to reuse (Exportable - see the Web Part Must Knows chapter of my book for details)
    • Can be placed directly in the web part page that needs the JavaScript or CSS
    • JavaScript or CSS can also be added by linking to a text file stored in a SharePoint library. This file can have any extension, but using .HTM will let you open the file directly into SharePoint Designer.
  • Directly in a page - Use SharePoint Designer when you want to directly edit a Basic Page, Web Part page or a site page. You can add the JavaScript inside of <SCRIPT> tags, the CSS inside of <STYLE> tags, or link to a file that contains the code. Typically add your code just before the ending content tag for PlaceHolderMain. (</asp:Content>)
  • Master Page - Use SharePoint Designer to add code to a master page when you want to code to be available on every page in a site. You can add the JavaScript inside of <SCRIPT> tags or link to a file that contains the JavaScript. Typically add your CSS just before the </HEAD> section and your JavaScript just before the </BODY> tag.



CSS is typically added inside of a <STYLE> block. The following will change the title of a 2007 site:

       <!—the following overrides the SharePoint ms-sitietile Core CSS class --> 
       <style type="text/css"> 


CSS can also be stored in a file in a library and linked:

     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
           href="/sites/training/shared documents/mycustom.css" />



JavaScript is typically added inside of a <SCRIPT> block. The following will add a border around the site's icon:

<script type="text/javascript">
var siteImage = document.getElementById('GlobalTitleAreaImage');
if (siteImage != null)
  siteImage.style.border = 'dashed';


JavaScript can also be stored in a file in a library and linked:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" 
            src="/sites/training/shared documents/mycustom.js"></script>



The CEWP in SharePoint 2007

The CEWP in SharePoint 2007 is a simple web part that includes four options to add content:

  • a Rich Text Editor with all of the HTML editing options you might expect
  • the Edit HTML Source button (image) inside of the Rich Text Editor toolbar
  • a Source Editor that is very simple text editor, so simple you many want to use another tool to write your code, and then just copy it to the Source Editor
  • a Content Link box to link to an external file containing your code - this file would typically be stored in a library
To add a Content Editor Web Part

1. Display any web part page, click Site Actions, Edit Page then Add a web part:


To edit a Content Editor Web Part

1. Click the web part's edit button then select Modify Shared Web Part, then click the Source Editor button


2. Or, if you have linked to a text file, then just open that text file directly from a library, make your edits and then save. No need to open the CEWP.

Tip: You can open linked code files from within SharePoint Designer by just expanding the library's folder and double-clicking the file. You will then be able to use SharePoint Designer's JavaScript, HTML and CSS editors with their color coding and auto completion features.

Hiding the CEWP title bar

The CEWP will often be used to store code and will not need a title or title bar displayed on the page.

  • In the properties editor, expand Appearance, click the Chrome Type dropdown and select None



The CEWP in SharePoint 2010

In 2010 it’s now just called "Content Editor" and is in the Media and Content section of Add a Web Part:


The page with the new web part:


How do you add HTML?

When you add this web part you get a "wiki style" editor for normal rich text editing. When you use the web part's edit dropdown and click Edit Web Part you will find that the Source Editor button is gone! So how do you add your JavaScript and CSS? You could just click the HTML button in the Ribbon (image), but read on for some fun issues with this option…


When you add CSS or JavaScript you may get this nice little message:


Consider this trivial example:


Each time you go back into the HTML editor and click OK it adds another blank line after the script tag and removes line breaks elsewhere!


It has even sometimes changes the capitalization. In one of my edits it changed color:red to COLOR:red.     Who knows why…


The fix? Just link to your code!

Both 2007 and 2010 offer the option to link from the CEWP to a text file with your content. To avoid the problem with the random edits made by 2010 just upload a text file containing the code to a library. Then in the CEWP just click the Edit Web Part option in the dropdown and add the link to the code file. This has added benefit of using any HTML, CSS and JavaScript editor such as Visual Studio or SharePoint Designer to edit your code.

To edit a Content Editor Web Part

1. If the CEWP includes displayable text, the just click anywhere in the web part to open up the editor ribbon and start typing.

2. If you have linked to a text file, then just open that text file from the library, make your edits and then save. No need to open the CEWP during each edit, just refresh the page to see the changes.

Tip: You can open linked code files from within SharePoint Designer. Click All Files, click the "push pin" to expand the list of files, expand the library, and double-click your file. You will then be able to use SharePoint Designer's JavaScript, HTML and CSS editors with their color coding and auto completion features.


Reusing a Content Editor Web Part Customization

You can easily reuse many CEWP customizations by exporting the web part to a file and then uploading it into another site. As the CEWP is just a container for text (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc) it will have few external dependencies and should be reusable in other pages and sites.

A few watch outs:

  • If the CEWP code has an absolute URL to an image, JavaScript file or other resource, then the links will still work, as long as the users of the new site have permissions to the linked files in the original site
  • If the CEWP code has relative URLs, then the new site will need the same files stored in libraries with the same library name and file names AND the same site URL (SharePoint relative URLs are relative to the site collection, not to the subsite)


Direct page edits using SharePoint Designer?

Almost everything you can do with the CEWP can also be done by adding your customizations directly to the page using SharePoint Designer.

Advantages of direct page edits:

  • Edits are completely hidden from site users, especially site members as there are no web parts they can edit or delete
  • Code added directly to a SharePoint 2010 view page will not break crumb trail and view menu features (See "The CEWP in SharePoint 2010" later in this chapter)
  • SharePoint Designer's editors make writing JavaScript, HTML and CSS easier with color coding and auto completion features


  • You must use SharePoint Designer - and your company may have a policy against this
  • The page will changed from un-customized (ghosted) to customized (un-ghosted), which has a small impact on performance (See chapter 6 for more details)
  • Customizations are harder to find by the next site owner who inherits your site
  • More steps are needed for each edit

To add code directly to a page:

Add your JavaScript code between the end tag for the Web Part Zone and the end tag for the PlaceHolderMain content tag (</asp:Content). (See chapter 6 of my book - "Editing a SharePoint Page")



Editing the Master Page

JavaScript and CSS that impacts every page in the site needs to be added to the master page. CSS will typically be added in the <HEAD> section of the page. Links to JavaScript libraries will also be added to the <HEAD> section. JavaScript blocks will typically be added just before the </BODY> tag at the end of the master page.

For CSS, your custom styles can be added just after these two controls:

    <Sharepoint:CssLink runat="server"/>
    <SharePoint:Theme runat="server"/>


SharePoint 2007 Steps


  1. Open your site in SharePoint Designer 2007
  2. Expand the _catalogs folder and expand the masterpage folder
  3. Double click the master page (typically default.master)
  4. If not already selected, click the Code button at the bottom of the window
  5. For CSS and linked files find the </HEAD> tag in the page
    For JavaScript script blocks, find the </BODY> tag in the page
SharePoint 2010 Steps


  1. Open your site in SharePoint Designer 2010
  2. In the Navigation - Site Objects pane click Master Pages
  3. Right-click your site's master page (typically v4.master) and select "Edit in Advanced Mode"
  4. If not already selected, click the Code button at the bottom of the window
  5. For CSS and linked files find the </HEAD> tag in the page
    For JavaScript script blocks, find the </BODY> tag in the page


When will my scripts run?

A simple embedded script like the following will run as soon as the browser loads it.

<script type="text/javascript">
  alert('hello world!');

If the script is in the middle of the page, like it would be when loaded using a Content Editor Web Part, then the script will run before the page has been fully created by the browser. Most JavaScript for SharePoint projects will need to run after the HTML that it's going to interact with has been fully loaded, and quite often, after the entire page as been loaded.

To see how to deal with JavaScript running at the wrong time in SharePoint see Chapter 5's section on "Controlling when JavaScript Runs" in my book.

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