
SharePoint 2013 Education Templates


Does SharePoint 2013 have built-in education related sites, quizzes and tools for schools?

I'm starting my prep for the future SharePoint 2013 exams. In looking at the new PowerShell commands (there are 199 of them! 572 vs 771) I ran across these: Install-SPEduSites and New-SPEduClass. So far I can't find anything official on these new "education" features. PowerShell's help command only lists the name of the cmdlet and no description or other details.


Below is all I've found so far. I'll update this as I find more… and please post comments to anything you may find. This may be an incomplete feature that may never be supported in 2013, or it may be a feature that becomes official in a future service pack, or it may only be available under a special school only edition. Who knows at this point…


What I've found so far:

Microsoft Goes Back to School and Gets Smart: SharePoint 2013 & Education Services

SharePoint Education – Installing and Configuring

Some key SharePoint 2013 features (scroll down towards the end to find "Education Services"): (thanks Tanya for the link!)

It appears to be managed from Central Administration:

A question has been posted in the MSDN/TechNet forums, so a discussion has been started here:




Tanya said...

Sharepoint Geoff has a little more on the education features:


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

What resources are you using to prep for the exams?

Mike Smith said...

> What resources are you using to prep for the exams?

Funny you should ask! I putting together everything I'm finding that's useful (so far, not as much as I had hoped) and will publish it by the end of the week.


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