
SharePoint: Prevent the Closing of web parts


The following works in both SharePoint 2007 and 2010.


If you have worked with SharePoint for a while you probably have learned that in most cases Closing a web part is “bad” and Deleting a web part is “good”.  (Do a web search on “SharePoint web part close vs delete”.)


So how can you prevent the closing of a web part?

How about five ways…


1) Every time you add a web part go to the Advanced section of the properties panel and uncheckmark “Allow Close”  (too much work)



2) Add a little JavaScript to prevent the Close:



3) Add a little JavaScript to disable the Close Option



4) Add a little JavaScript to hide the Close Option (probably the best choice)



5) Add a CSS style to hide the Close option (easy to do, but it leaves a blank line)




I prefer #4!



The JavaScript to prevent the close and display a popup:

Add the following to your site’s master page just before the </BODY> tag (A SharePoint Designer task!) or in a Content Editor Web Part (last one on the page) if you just want this for a single page.

  // JavaScript to block the closing of web parts
  // TechTrainingNotes.blogspot.com

  var oldClose = MSOLayout_RemoveWebPart;
  MSOLayout_RemoveWebPart = function (x)
    alert("Closing of web parts has been disabled");



The JavaScript to Disable or Hide the Close option:

Add the following to your site’s master page just before the </BODY> tag (A SharePoint Designer task!) or in a Content Editor Web Part (last one on the page) if you just want this for a single page.

// hide or disable the web part Close option
// TechTrainingNotes.blogspot.com


function hideWebPartClose()
  var x = document.getElementById("MSOMenu_Close")

  // uncomment the next line to just disable (gray out)
  // x.disabled=true

  // uncomment the next line to hide the close option



The CSS to hide the Close option:

Add this to your master page, your linked style sheet file or to a Content Editor Web Part.




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