
Books and Resources for SharePoint Branding


This is a resource page for folks who attend my classes, and for a book I am working on. Please let me know of good resources for SharePoint branding.




(I have not reviewed these books… yet. If the authors or the publisher would like to send me a copy… hint, hint.)



While not focused on branding, you may also want to consider my book on SharePoint Customization for Site Owners (coming very soon now.


Blogs and Web Sites


The premier site for everything about SharePoint 2007 branding:



Randy Driscall’s blog  (author of books above)



All kinds of SharePoint resources:

http://www.codeplex.com  (and then search for “SharePoint” or “SharePoint Branding”)


An interesting article for developers: Automated SharePoint Site Branding



Real World Branding with SharePoint 2010 Publishing Sites



Branding Office SharePoint Server 2007



SharePoint 2010 Branding




Anonymous said...

I got your book but I don't see any other books on branding? did you remove them ? or did the publisher object o you listing books they did not publish?

Mike Smith said...

> did you remove them ?

Looks like something wrong on the Amazon end! (or maybe Blogger/Google) I'll check into it.

> or did the publisher object o you listing books they did not publish?

I'm my own publisher, so no I did not object! :-)

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