
SharePoint 2007 Links - Features, Migration, Management Tools

MOSS Service Accounts

The Microsoft article: http://technet2.microsoft.com/Office/en-us/library/f07768d4-ca37-447a-a056-1a67d93ef5401033.mspx?mfr=true

A short and easy article on accounts: http://cregan.wordpress.com/2006/12/08/moss-setup-service-accounts/

Sample Features

Two simple and cool features: Print Page Feature - adds a new item to the Actions menu to display and print a clean view of a list. Windows List Feature - adds a new links list template with options to open in a new window and to control sizing and menu options. And a bunch more... https://mail.maxtrain.com/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.codeplex.com/features/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=2502

Alternate Access Mappings

What every SharePoint administrator needs to know about Alternate Access Mappings (Part 1 of 3) https://mail.maxtrain.com/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://blogs.msdn.com/sharepoint/archive/2007/03/06/what-every-sharepoint-administrator-needs-to-know-about-alternate-access-mappings-part-1.aspx

2003 to 2007 Migrations Cornelius J. van Dyk's SharePoint Brain Dump: Step-by-Step – A REAL world upgrade of a SharePoint Portal Server 2003 (SPS) farm to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS)http://www.cjvandyk.com/blog/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?List=744536f4%2D127e%2D4c4a%2Dbcff%2Db85408e7e7e5&ID=107

MOSS Planning:

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Deployment Plan Sample (MS Project)http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=101328&clcid=0x409 HP ProLiant Sizer for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007http://h71019.www7.hp.com/activeanswers/Secure/548230-0-0-0-121.html

Migration Tools:

Migration tools, both 2003 to 2007 and 2007 to 2007 (for staging to production deployments)

metaLogic SharePoint Site Migration Manager http://www.metalogix.net/products/migrationmanagersp/index.htm

AvePoint DocAve 4.1 Migrator for SharePoint (also supports Exchange public folders to 2003 or 2007) http://www.avepoint.com/products/sharepoint-migration

ecKnowledge (also has tools to migration to/from Notes and other products)http://www.casahl.com/Solutions/SharePointSolutions.html

Microsoft Transporter for Lotus DominoResources for Interoperability and Migration from Lotus Domino http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/interopmigration/bb403105.aspx Proposion Software Notes/Domino to SharePointhttp://www.proposion.com/site/proposion.nsf/pages/SharePoint

SharePoint Management Tools

COOL free TOOL! Discovery Wizard for Sharepoint Freewarehttp://www.quest.com/2_0/registration.aspx?requestdefid=8286

Quest - Microsoft SharePoint Tools for the Enterprise http://www.quest.com/sharepoint/

AvePoint - DocAve 4.1 Content Manager for SharePoint http://www.avepoint.com/products/sharepoint-content-management

Universal SharePoint Manager 2007Environment (Farm) Reporting, User Site Security Analyzer, User List/Item Security Analyzer, Add User http://www.idevfactory.com/products/uspm2007/

Site Security, Remove User Site Security, Clone User Site Security http://www.idevfactory.com/products/uspm2007/default.aspx

ScriptLogic Security Explorer for SharePoint

1 comment:

ASP.Net Migration said...

Excellent post about migration and features.

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