
PowerShell: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute


While the following example is for PowerShell, the same applies to C# code.

Collections that are being modified do not like to be processed with FOR EACH.
"Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute"

For example:

$web = Get-SPWeb someurl...

ForEach($list in $w.Lists)
  if (!$list.Hidden)
    # do something to change the list
    # like add a new view...

    # error! 
    # "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute..."


The Fix

Change the FOR EACH to a FOR.


  foreach($l in $web.Lists)


   for ($i=0; $i -lt $web.lists.count; $i++)
        $l = $w.lists[$i]


And if you are deleting items in the collection…

Walk the collection in reverse order!

   for ($i=$web.lists.count-1; $i –gt 0; $i--)
        $l = $web.lists[$i]



Anonymous said...

And if you are deleting items in the collection…
Walk the collection in reverse order!

for ($i=$web.lists.count-1; $i –gt 0; $i--)
$l = $web.lists[$i]

is wrong...The -gt should be -ge. This approach was the solution to my problem though. Thanks.

Warwick Ward said...

Thanks for posting this, helped me quickly overcome this issues today!

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